Kéncho a revelá na nos e fishi kasi lubidá di haladó speshalisá den e resiklahe di metal bieu ora e tabata konta nos di e houru bieu aki.
“Back in the days we called these knives houru which derives from the Dutch word houwer. In the course of time we used the word machete more often. The handgrip of an old machete has always been broken once. Reparation is done by wrapping a piece of cloth around it. These machetes were imported or made on the island by so- called haladó. These were craftsmen specialized in using car body parts. As a matter of fact the haladós recycled loads of old car metals.”
“E haladónan tabata traha na kas. Despues nan tabata traha machete usando piedra di mula. Mi a haña esaki den e kurá di mi wela su kas. “Tabatin un famia bibando riba nos tereno promé ku mi wela. Nan tabata konsistí di kobadó di pos, kobadó di tera i haladó. E haladónan aki tabata keinta hèrmèn di kunuku i batinan ku houru speshal pa hasinan skèrpi. Hopi di e personanan aki tabata traha riba nos kunuku pero un pa un nan a muri. Otro hende a kwe nan ophetonan i ponenan un banda. Mi a studia arkeologia pues mi sa kon ta koba, saka opheto for di bou di tera i preservá opheto.”
Nos ta gradisido pa esei.